Since 1978, Foss Running Camp has been dedicated to preparing high school athletes for a successful fall cross-country season.
Beginning in 2024, we have been thrilled to call Camp Wah-Nee in Torrington, Connecticut, our new home. This state-of-the-art facility offers enhanced amenities and exciting opportunities for our campers.
Our modern cabins come equipped with private showers, restrooms, and ample storage, ensuring a comfortable and convenient stay. Camp Wah-Nee boasts an array of top-tier facilities, including tennis, volleyball, and basketball courts, expansive athletic fields, a swimming pool, and access to lake swimming and water activities.
Our coaching staff includes experienced high school and collegiate coaches, as well as accomplished collegiate and post-collegiate athletes who are passionate about sharing their expertise.
In addition to our coaching staff, we are proud to host esteemed guest speakers, including top coaches from New England and elite regional, national, and Olympic-level runners who provide valuable insights into training and performance.
At Foss Running Camp, we are committed to helping each athlete reach their full potential. We are honored to be sponsored by Marathon Sports and HOKA, offering exclusive camp t-shirts and special discounts on shoes and running gear.
Campers can also purchase official Foss Running Camp merchandise through our online store.
Join us at Foss Running Camp and elevate your running performance to new heights!
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